About Pellowah Healing Technique©
Pellowah is an Angelic Word for “radical shift in consciousness”. Although an angelic word, Pellowah energy does not originate from the angelic realms. It is pure source energy, a direct transmission from the Light. This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. Pellowah calls to you at the time that is right for you. Pellowah is supports your awakening and personal growth. It also unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body giving a feeling of connection and well-being. As the name suggests, it also results in a radical shift in consciousness. Pellowah can be used in absent healing and can also be used to heal pets and plants.
A Pellowah practitioner initiates the Pellowah energy and holds the healing space for the person receiving. There is no diagnosis or interpretation by the practitioner. Pellowah is simple, yet powerful. In most forms of healing, subsequent results of the change and growth can be cathartic as old frameworks are broken down to create new ones. This is not the case with Pellowah. The growth and change brought about by Pellowah help a person to build on their old frameworks without the trauma because Pellowah builds on the positives. Through this form of healing the client becomes less involved in other peoples’ lives. They have a new perspective, therefore making better choices. Pellowah expands their consciousness, helping them to become more objective.
Many other forms of healing produce positive feelings that generally last two days to a week. Pellowah provides a feeling of well-being that seems to last and in fact it will get stronger as time goes by. This is because the healing happens from the inside out. The energy changes YOU and the “new you” becomes the normal.
To put it another way, Pellowah activates you, so you generate or create the light from within.
Pellowah Level l & ll Attunements are conducted over a 2 day Workshop by a fully trained and registered Pellowah Teacher.
Receive the attunement and learn HOW to give a Pellowah Healing.
Pellowah works with the individual to build new pathways to awareness and consciousness. Everything that happens in a session is for the receiver. No essential oils, flower essences, music, candles, incense or other modalities may be used with or combined with Pellowah during a session.
This is for your own personal spiritual growth. Receive the attunement that enables you to connect with your higher consciousness.
Having a Pellowah Level 2 practitioner certificate allows you to perform healing on your family, friends and clients. This healing modality is not used for self-healing.
Pellowah Healing
Get back to emotional balance and stability with Pellowah Healing session(s).
The Healing effects of Pellowah are a by-product of the “Shift in Consciousness”.
You might experience new expanded perception, have a more objective understanding and outlook on life.
In addition you might also experience the following:
Increased Clarity of mind
Positive Change
New and Expanded Perspectives
Empowered to take charge of your life
Calming of emotions
A sense of well-being over time
Greater feeling of inner peace
More courage, inner strength and confidence
Overcoming self-doubts, fear, anxiety
Improved intuition
Stronger connection with Divine / Source
Receiving Clearer Guidance
Contact me today to set up a session so you can start benefitting from my wide range of services.
FAQs on Pellowah
All the Answers You Seek, In One Place
Pellowah Healing Technique
Pellowah means "radical shift in consciousness". This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation.
It unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body; giving a feeling of connection and well-being, resulting in a radical shift in consciousness.
Whom / What can Pellowah be used for?
Pellowah can be used in Absent Healing. It can also be used to heal pets and plants. It is very potent for emotional stability as it helps the person grow and expand perspectives.
Change brought about by Pellowah
In most forms of healing, subsequent results of the change and growth can be cathartic as old frameworks are broken down to create new ones. This is not the case with Pellowah. The growth and change brought about by Pellowah help a person build on their old frameworks without the trauma. Through this form of healing, the client becomes less involved in other people's lives. They have a new perspective, therefore making better choices. Pellowah expands their consciousness, helping them become more objective.
How long can the healing last?
Other forms of healing produce positive feelings that generally last 2 days to a week. Pellowah provides a feeling of well-being that seems to last and in fact it will get stronger as time goes by. This is because the healing happens from the inside out. The energy changes YOU and the "new you" becomes the normal.
To put it another way, Pellowah activates you, so you generate or create the light from within.
How long does each healing session take?
Minimum 45 minutes.
Do you teach Pellowah?
I am certified to teach Level 1 and Level 2.
Can I do Self Healing with Pellowah?
No. Pellowah is a client centric healing modality and therefore cannot be used to heal oneself, unlike other modalities.
However, when a person learns Pellowah, they receive Pellowah Attunements. These attunements are more powerful than a healing session.